10 Best App Development Courses in 2024

by | Jan 29, 2024 | Computer Science, App Develoment

In a world driven by technological advancements, the demand for app development skill is ever-growing. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter the exciting realm of app development or an experienced coder aiming to enhance your skill set, the right educational path can make all the difference. Here’s a curated list of the top 10 app development courses in 2024, spanning various platforms and catering to different skill levels.

1. Google Developers Training – Android Basics in Kotlin

Instructors: Team of Expert Tutors
Price: Free
Duration: 5 units, 28 Tracks & 6 Quizzes
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, with passing certification exams
Course Link

Google Developers Training offers a free Android Basics in Kotlin training for beginners new to programming. Starting with Android programming concepts using Kotlin, this course helps build apps using Android Studio. The beginner courses cover everything needed for Android app development, from graphics and localization to performance, with lifetime access to online video courses.

2. iTunes U – Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift

Instructors: Stanford’s School of Engineering
Price: Free
Duration: 24 Hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: No

Offered by Stanford’s School of Engineering, this free course is a highly rated iOS development course updated for iOS 11 and Swift. Covering Swift introduction, mobile device interface design, memory management, and multi-threading, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of iOS app development with 46 lessons available in video format.

3. Udacity – Android Basics by Google: Nanodegree Program

Instructors: Katherine Kuan, Developer Advocate, Google; Jessica Lin, Nanodegree Instructor; Jennie Kim Eldon, Product Lead for Android Nanodegree Programs, and Team
Price: $399
Duration: 3 Months
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Awarded with Nanodegree Credential
Course Link

Udacity’s Android Basics by Google Nanodegree Program, developed in collaboration with industry giants like Google, focuses on real-world skills for building Android apps. From designing a basic single-page app to expanding the user experience, this program provides a comprehensive journey for beginners, ensuring they gain practical experience in Android app development.

4. Ray Wenderlich – Saving Data in iOS

Instructors: Felipe Laso-Marsetti, Technical Lead; Ehab Yosry Amer, Lead iOS Developer; Christine Sweigart, Administrative Assistant & Video Editor; Adriana Kutenko, Graphic Illustrator
Price: $9.99/month
Duration: 2 Hours
Skill Level: Intermediate
Certification: No
Course Link

Ray Wenderlich’s Saving Data in iOS course focuses on a crucial aspect of app development – the ability to save data. With a specific emphasis on working with property lists, encoding and decoding objects, and using JSON, this intermediate course is an essential part of the iOS Data and Networking Learning Path, preparing you for advanced features like location awareness and push notifications.

5. Pluralsight – iOS 11 Fundamentals

Instructor: Simon Allardice, Author
Price: Free and Paid ($29/month)
Duration: 4 Hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

For those with a bit of Swift experience, Pluralsight’s iOS 11 Fundamentals is an excellent guide for iOS app development. The course covers six levels, including app anatomy and adaptive user interfaces for multiple devices, including the iPhone X. With a focus on Swift 4 and Xcode 9, it’s designed to help you sharpen your skills and create your own app for the iOS operating system.

6. Team Treehouse – Build a Simple Android App with Java

Instructor: Ben Deitch, Teacher at Treehouse
Price: $25/month
Duration: 3.5 Hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

Team Treehouse’s Build a Simple Android App with Java is tailored for beginners seeking to develop a basic Android app. Covering Android Studio basics, SDK fundamentals, screen layout, code refactoring, and testing and debugging, this course is designed to provide a solid foundation for budding Android developers within a concise 3.5 hours.

7. Udemy – Android N: From Beginner to Paid Professional

Instructor: Mark Wahlbeck, CEO, Devslopes Academy
Price: $117.46
Duration: 25 Hours On-demand Video Tutorials
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

Udemy’s Android N: From Beginner to Paid Professional course aims to guide beginners through coding principles, evolving them from novices to professional Android developers. Starting with Java coding, the course covers object-oriented programming, Git and Android, and using maps and GPS, providing a comprehensive understanding of Android app development.

8. edX – HarvardX’s Computer Science and Mobile Apps

Instructors: Doug Lloyd, Senior Preceptor; David J Malan, Gordon McKay Professor; Jordan Hayashi, Software Engineer; Brain Yu, Senior Preceptor
Price: $358.96
Duration: 6 Months
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

Harvard University’s Professional Certificate in CS and Mobile Apps, offered through edX, allows developers to create apps at their own pace. Covering essential concepts like debugging, data structures, algorithms, and abstraction, this course provides a strong foundation in coding languages for mobile application development, including Python, JavaScript, SQL, and React Native.

9. Coursera – Foundations of Objective-C App Development

Instructors: Don Patterson, Associate Professor; Sam Kaufman, Partner at Gradient
Price: Free and Paid ($39/month)
Duration: 15 Hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

If building iOS apps using Objective-C is on your agenda, Coursera’s Foundations of Objective-C App Development is the perfect starting point. This course not only provides a solid foundation in Objective-C but also covers the basics of iOS app development. Ideal for beginners, it offers insights into reading and writing the language, organizing code using objects and blocks, and prototyping entry-level apps.

10. Udemy – Windows Phone Mobile App Development

Instructor: Tiffany Ford, a Professor & Computer Scientist
Price: $21.75
Duration: 2 Hours On-demand Video
Skill Level: Intermediate
Certification: Yes, on course completion
Course Link

Udemy’s Windows Phone Mobile App Development course is tailored for developers aiming to create applications for the Windows Store. With real-life project examples, the course covers creating mobile applications, deploying them to the Windows marketplace, and offers valuable insights for those experienced in C# programming.

The world of app development is dynamic and ever-evolving. Whether you’re drawn to iOS or Android, prefer Swift or Kotlin, or are exploring cross-platform development, these top 10 app development courses in 2024 cater to a range of preferences and skill levels. As technology continues to advance, staying ahead of the curve with the right educational resources can make your journey in app development both rewarding and successful.

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